Summer Planning

Even though you may be thinking more about bundling up right now, this is the time to set the stage for your summer plans. Here are the steps you can take to be sure that you’re ready for a productive, experience-boosting summer: Keep your eyes open for opportunities. Postings for internships, research opportunities, and part-time jobs are all …

4 Reasons Why You Should Attend Career Center Workshops

By attending a workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to receive information from a trained Career Peer Mentor who will pay close attention to your needs and help you find the answers to your career related questions. Do you know what a tagline is for a LinkedIn profile and why it’s important? Should you use an …

Senior Series: Networking, A Great Foundation for the Interview

One important part of networking is how you present yourself to others. It’s important to be able to talk about yourself, your experiences and skills, and your interests and goals. Networking gives you the opportunity to practice your self-presentation and hone your story, and will give you the skills to interview with confidence. Worried? Don’t …

You just went to the Career Fair. Now what?

Tips from a recruiter. So you attended yesterday’s Career Fair. You may be wondering what to with the interest you now have in some of the companies you spoke with. First, sort through the material you collected. Did you get any business cards? Follow up and write a thank you note to the people you …

How to Impress at the Career Fair

The Fall Career Fair is next week! Career Fairs offer you an easy opportunity to get information about career fields, to network with alumni & employers, and maybe even find a job or internship. Check out the Career Center website for videos and tips for success. You’ll also find helpful information Career Fair Prep Day …

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