Welcome to a new academic year! This is an exciting time on-campus and the first half of the semester is a critical time to set the foundation of success this year and beyond. Here are 7 ways to get the most out of the next few weeks:
Category Archives: advice
3 Tips for Surviving Finals
Another finals season is upon us and another school year is winding down. The finish line is close and it’s time to make this one last surge count. You can plan to succeed by following 3 basic tips:
Finding Yourself Abroad
Being someone who wasn’t sure they were going to college, I definitely wasn’t thinking about studying abroad. But after numerous emails promising free burritos at an information session, I decided to learn more about the Oaxaca Semester Abroad. The PowerPoint slides filled with vibrant markets, rich biodiversity, and smiling students did what they were supposed …
Professionalism—So What Exactly Is It?
Congratulations! You’ve landed that first job—and you’re ready to start. Now those same folks who were asking: “What are you going to do when you graduate?” are giving you advice to get started: “ Remember to be professional!” Professional is such an all-encompassing word. What exactly does it mean?
Feeling Stuck in the Mud? Help is here!
This time of year can be rough in Vermont. It’s supposed to be Spring – but it doesn’t always feel that way. It’s been a long academic year and it’s easy and common to lose motivation, feel tired and stressed out, and wonder if you’re even on the right track. First off – know you …