Spotlight on Warrick Sahene ‘18 (B.S.) ’19 (M.S.)

By Julia Sexton ’21 (Biochemistry) Mentor Extraordinaire  Warrick Sahene has been mentoring and inspiring UVM-ers ever since he arrived on campus as a first-year student in Fall of 2014. We are lucky that he chose to remain a Catamount for medical school: He is now an “MS1” at Larner College of Medicine (LCOM).   The story starts…  …in New Zealand where Warrick was born, the son of Ghanaians. When he was nine, his family …

Spotlight on Emily Hagan-Howe ’15

Meet UVM Career Center’s fantabulous Marketing Manager, Emily Hagan-Howe, who works passionately behind the scenes as part of our Operations Team. Her creativity and vision with digital and social media communications keep UVM students and alums well-connected to our career-oriented resources. In fact, her encouragement and talent have been instrumental in helping the Health Professions Interest Group (HPIG) successfully launch The Steady Pulse.   Emily (she/her & they/them) is pictured above with her wife, Christa Hagan-Howe (she/her), a Diversity Educator in the Center for Cultural Pluralism at UVM. The precious bundle in Em’s arms …

Spotlight is On: Julia Smith ’19

This week, we contacted Julia Smith, a 2019 UVM alum with an interesting path to her future (and unique) career as an an anesthesiologist assistant (AA). While a student, Julia was actively involved in UVM Rescue. Since graduating, she has worked full-time as an emergency department technician at the UVMMC Emergency Department. In August, she will begin the Master of Anesthesia program at the University of Colorado. Experience at UVM  Julia came to UVM in 2015 as a …

Careers in Public Health Panel Recap

Panelist Introductions Daniel Morgan, BA: Zoning Administrator/Public Health Officer for Charlotte, recent graduate of UVM Stephanie Busch, BS A-EMT: Injury Prevention Manager at State of VT Dept of Health working in emergency preparedness, injury prevention, and EMS Jillian Leikauskas, MPH: Substance Abuse Program Evaluator at VT Dept of Health, alcohol and drug abuse program evaluator …

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