What I Learned in Yoga Class: A guide to understanding the international experience & needs

This summer, the University of Vermont (UVM) Career Center worked with alumni to pilot a job shadowing and networking event in Beijing and Shanghai, China. While on the trip, I was lucky enough to spend an hour in a yoga class. I was nervous and unsure of what to expect. I do not speak Mandarin …

Millennials: Get Hired

Advice on Personal Branding from a Recent Grad: If you were to record a 15 second SnapChat video on who you are and why someone should hire you (sans ‘puppy’ filter, please) – what would you say? It’s a modern-day elevator pitch, asking one of the most important questions for today’s young career/adventure seekers, and …

Career Fashion: Forward

“If you’re not dressed well, you can say all the right things … but you won’t get the job when you’re being compared with a lot of other capable people who are dressed better.” -Kim Zoller, founder and president of Image Dynamics Let’s be blunt: your appearance matters; especially in a professional environment. Research shows that …

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