A new exhibit at the Fleming Museum, EAT: The Social Life of Food showcases the curatorial work of the Intro to Museum Studies Honors College Sophomore seminar taught by Jennifer Dickinson. The exhibit has drawn attention not only for its subject matter, but for its use of food-related themes and interactive features that encourage visitors to reflect on the meaning of food as part of their own social lives. Two Anthropology majors, Nicole Bull and Andrew Gambardella took part in the course, in which students curated an exhibit from start to finish. Although all of the students collaborated to write exhibit texts and research objects included in the show, some students then went on to develop interactives and an online exhibit for the show, while others like Andrew and Nicole chose and curated additional objects. Andrew, who currently works with the Consulting Archaeology Program, helped identify and choose objects from the CAP collection of artifacts found in Vermont, and also participated in laying out and installing the show. Among the CAP pieces on display now are carbonized remains of corn kernels dated to the pre-Contact period, and a piece of a 19th century ceramic bowl. Nicole has also continued to be involved, leading tours of the exhibit as a student docent for the Fleming at 2 pm on October 10 and October 24th. Want to participate in the exhibit? Send a photograph of food to be displayed on a monitor in the gallery, or write a brief summary of your most memorable meal, and send them to fleming@uvm.edu

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