Special Financing for Storm Damaged Businesses and Farms

Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA) has allocated up to $10 million in special low-interest financing for Vermont businesses and farms who suffered direct physical damage as a result of Hurricane Irene. Continue reading

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Vermont Agency of Ag Urges Farmers to Report Flood Damage

The following information post is Vermont Agency of Agriculture and contains information on steps farmers should take in reporting flood-related damage and loss. 

Many Vermont farmers are experiencing devastating effects from the flooding and washed out roads in the wake of Hurricane Irene. The heavy rains accompanied by high winds are leaving farmers with flooded fields and barns, debris, and limited options for milk pick-ups.

Although we understand that many people are still in emergency response mode, the Agency of Agriculture is urging farmers to report losses sustained due to these weather incidents as soon as possible. These efforts will assist the state in exploring various areas of possible assistance from the federal government.

Vermont Agriculture Secretary Chuck Ross is urging farmers to contact state and federal agencies about any damage or losses they have incurred or expect to incur in the future, so that the scope of the problem and impacts can be documented accurately. Continue reading

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Handling Produce from Flooded Fields

Vern Grubinger, UVM Extension Vegetable and Berry Specialist, posted this request via email. Following, Vern’s email is information from Ginger Nickerson, UVM Extension’s GAPS specialist, on rules, regs, and best practices for handling flood damaged produce.

Dear Vermont growers,

I’m sorry that so many of you have had crop and infrastructure losses due to the storm. Please be aware that flooded produce is part of that loss, since FDA considers produce exposed to flood waters to be adulterated and thus illegal for sale (more info on this later). I want to provide Vermont’s Farm Service Agency and Agency of Agriculture with an overall estimate of losses to our industry so they have the information they need to work on securing additional financial assistance for farmers. Kindly email me an estimate of the $ value of your losses, main crops and number of acres affected, and describe damage to structures. I will total this information up and keep it anonymous when sharing it. If you can, get this to me end of the day tomorrow (Tuesday). If you are in another state please report losses to your Dept. of Agriculture. If you have crop insurance, or if you think you may need a disaster assistance loan, contact your county FSA office as soon as possible.

Vern (Vernon.Grubinger@uvm.edu)

And thanks to Ginger Nickerson of the UVM Extension Center for Sustainable Agriculture for compiling this information; below is our best advice on how to handled flooded fields. Continue reading

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