Category Archives: Uncategorized

Are there bad foods?

There is an assembly at my 7-year old daughter’s school once a week and parents are invited to attend.   Typically one class does a presentation.  My daughter’s class was “on” a couple of weeks ago because they just completed … Continue reading

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Corn and Grain Inspiring the Lives of Young Women in Northern Vermont. Really?!

Really. When I think of women’s leadership development, large and lofty ideas come mind—things like paradigm shifts, suffrage and empowerment. So who knew that the kernels of leadership sometimes lie within little kernels of corn and grain which were inspiring enough … Continue reading

Posted in Leadership, Resources for Beginning Farmers, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Conservation Stewardship Program Applications Due June 11

Farmers and ranchers wanting to enroll in the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) have until June 11 to file a simple application form with their local USDA office. Learn more at Funding Opportunities.

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