Category Archives: Marketing

Are there bad foods?

There is an assembly at my 7-year old daughter’s school once a week and parents are invited to attend.   Typically one class does a presentation.  My daughter’s class was “on” a couple of weeks ago because they just completed … Continue reading

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Sending holiday cheer (i.e. food!!) through the mail

Don’t you love getting a present in the mail? For me (partially because I am almost 8 months pregnant!), I really love it when those presents are tasty Vermont foods that I can enjoy!  The upcoming holiday season is a … Continue reading

Posted in Marketing, Resources for Beginning Farmers | Tagged , | 1 Comment

(Safe) Harvest time at Farmers Markets!

I have always loved autumn, and I enjoy it even more now that I live in tree-filled Vermont (particularly on warm, sunny days :))!  As a kid, I think I liked it partially because my birthday is in September… Now, … Continue reading

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