New Look! Same Program!

If you have visited the Women’s Agricultural Network website before then you are probably wondering if you typed in the wrong url. Not to worry…you are just seeing our new website. Actually, we have been working on this upgrade for months now behind the scenes but the public switch just took place this week.
Change is hard and it took us awhile to let go of a site that had been very homey and comfortable for a long time. But the way we all use websites is evolving and we wanted our site to do more. In order for that to happen we had to make some dramatic changes.
Some new features that you will find include a link to this blog where we post about issues of interest to the women farmers we work with. There’s also a form where you can sign up to receive information from us electronically. We are trying to manage resources wisely and that means cutting back on printed newsletters, workshop announcements and other mailings in favor of more electronic communications.
You will see a new and improved business card section where you can post your farm’s contact information. You will also find information on funding resources you can ask questions using the Ask an Expert feature all one click away.
Our new website is a work in progress so please check back often. In the coming months we’ll be adding more content, more photos, and more opportunities for you to interact with us and with one another. We hope you like it!

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