Dec. 17, 2019 – Readings & Suggested Homework

  1. As best you can, develop a brainstormed list of performance measures in collaboration with someone on your team or organization or your learning partner(s) in this program.
  2. Read the first half of chapter 4, Performance Accountability in the book, Trying Hard Isn’t Good Enough. If you have the book already, the section you’ll want to read is pages 66-81.
  3. From the same book, read a portion of Chapter 3 – Population Accountability.  The section titled “How To Choose Indicators page 55-57.” While the book uses the criteria for Population Indicators you can also use it it for deciding performance measures.
  4. If you want to be the example for our next class,  please send Kate your brainstormed list by 1/3 and she will create something we can use for the culling process on 1/7.