September 13 @ 7:00 pm

Images: Sacred Arts of the Black Atlantic (SABA) Collection, Duke University
How are sacred objects transformed when they enter the museum? What does it mean to collect and exhibit religious and sacred objects connected to living peoples and cultures? What kinds of ethical, aesthetic, and pragmatic considerations shape how sacred objects are displayed to the public? What impact does the display of religious objects have on viewers, and how do they make sense of such objects?
Join UVM Religious Studies Professor Vicki Brennan and Fleming Museum Curator Andrea Rosen for a conversation exploring these and other questions as they relate to an upcoming exhibition, “Spirited Things: Sacred Arts of the Black Atlantic” at UVM’s Fleming Museum, opening September 26.
VHC’s Ideas on Tap series is designed to convene informal, informative, and provocative conversations, and to strengthen them with a scholar’s expertise. These events are held in partnership with the University of Vermont’s Humanities Center, held at the ArtsRiot restaurant, bar and performing space in Burlington.
For more information about this event visit follow this link: