Trailer (aka Research Report)

The goal of this assignment is to create a brief overview of your research that is designed to report on what your podcast will be about.

Your research report must include three components:

  1. Each report should begin with a short (approx. one-minute long) oral statement of your research. Think of this as a one-minute “elevator” or “dinner conversation” version of your research project. That is, you should be able to convey the topic and questions that you are investigating in a way that engages the listener in your project. Imagine you are explaining it to your parents over dinner, or to a friend when you run into each other in the Davis Center. Instead of summarizing your research you should instead focus in on a key point and/or example that demonstrates the issues you will address in the podcast.
  2. Include an example of a sound that exemplifies the key issues you are studying through your research. Be sure to explain how the sound relates to your research questions and preliminary findings.
  3. Post an image or graphic to the blog that communicates what you think is the most important point of your research.


  • Include a title for your report that encapsulates your statement in no more than FIVE words!
  • If you cite any of your sources in your report you must include a bibliography that lists those sources.

Post your trailer to the blog by Friday, October 30 by 11:59 pm.