Phenology and Place – Post 3

12 Nov

Nov 12, 2019 — 25° — 11:44

By experiencing the phenological changes of my site, my sense of place was explored. Through observing changes like the leaves going from green to brown, or the water freezing to ice, a feeling of familiarity was formed. I personally noticed the sense of place piece after going on my most recent visit. Seeing the drastic alteration of the environment, from green and brown to bright white snow, really made me look around and notice the changes. By realizing this, I couldn’t help but feel a close association with this place. However, Im sure i’m not the only one who has noticed these changes. Centennial woods is a very popular area around campus. Students can run on the trails, go for a walk, or just go somewhere to get some peace and quiet. The rest of the public also frequents centennial woods. When there, you are very likely to run into some dog owner or jogger. Even in the past history of centennial woods it was frequented by humans. Whether it was sheep farmers or indigenous peoples. Even though I currently am noticing these phenological changes, there are many other people now, and those in the past who also experienced them.


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