Universal Design for Learning at the University of Vermont

Multicultural Universal Design Checklist for the Physical Environment


Academic Support Programs (ASP) decided several years ago to assess the effectiveness our office space.  Our goal was to make our offices as inclusive, welcoming, and universally designed as possible.  We used the basic premises of Universal Design to create the attached Multicultural Universal Design Checklist for the Physical Environment.SLBmulticultural checklist

This checklist has 11 questions designed to assess an organization’s physical spaces to determine if they serve all students well, with a particular emphasis on students and staff who are not from the dominant culture.  We enlisted UVM students from our ASP Student Leadership Board to conduct the initial survey in 2008.  In 2009, our students conducted surveys of other UVM offices, including another review of ASP’s space.  Each review produced a written report, which included recommendations for ways to adapt the office space.  The first report from 2008 is attached for your review.Multi Report ASP 2007

Please use this checklist to evaluate your own office or personal space.


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