April into May

27 Apr



Trees coming out of the winter rest ready to bear leaves. The strong winds blow and the cold winds howls as the trees are forced back into a premature stunt. The buds emerge but don’t form into leaves, why? They are ready yet they are resistant. Too much rain and too many cold days, a fall back before we can spring ahead

This week in my observance there was little change to note, other than the buds should have started to sprout as May is less than a week away. The bush in front of my house has gotten redder, and the street a little more green, but as I look across the street the trees are still thin and without leaves. The past two weeks and for the next week there have been about 3 days without rain, so much rain and no sunlight. Mud is everywhere and if I take my dog out the mud paints my shoes and his feet like no ones business.

Notes for 4/27


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