
17 Apr


April showers bring may flowers. Most of this month so far have been lost to persistent raining, more than half of the days have kept me inside due to the precipitation. This being an expected seasonal trend is welcomed, but being quarantined it has sucked keeping me indoors. The strict regulations that New Jersey have, which have not been lifted, only extended, have limited what I can see. I am seeing the same thing every week without end, and spring is being dampened. The trees are budding yet I can only see few examples. Some oak standing behind the houses across the street, the grass growing greener, and the trees outside my own windows becoming fuller and more alive. The daylight savings times have made a difference in the light thorough the day, bu as we draw closer and closer to the spring we also get more light for the plants to absorb.

Notes from 4/9


A sign of life in such dull times. I have only heard them until this day, spring has sprung. The patience of waiting has paid off to show me what the outside world is doing. It is being reborn as the greens and reds start to reappear after hibernation. Something that I didn’t realize was correlated with all of the changes happening was right in front of me. My dog. He has shed his winter fur like crazy leaving our house a mess, as this inconvenience occurs it also shows the ending of winter. The changes of temperature is quite obvious in this transition, but now what is more predominant is the exposure the sun has each day. Each week it is brighter out later by a few minutes, the days are growing longer as the solstice is approached. Soon summer will be here as the days are at their longest.

Notes for 4/17


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