
ALE 2991: Catamount Farm Internship. 1-3 credits. All semesters, including summer.

Internships are intended to provide undergraduate students experience with diverse activities relating to specialty crops production; farm marketing; field research; and producer education. Internships are designed to provide real-world experiences for students to apply their classroom learning. Each position is flexible based on student experience and skills. Internships are open to students across the University, but are geared primarily to meet the needs and requirements of students in CALS, Food Systems, Ecological Agriculture, Environmental Studies, and Community Development and Applied Economics programs.

Details and list of current internships.

Student interns will typically enroll in ALE 2991: Catamount Farm Internship in the semester in which they are conducting their work. Students must enroll and pay for credits, if applicable, during the semester that internship activities take place, even if in the summer. Internships may be taken for 1-6 credits per semester. UVM Academic Internship Polices apply for all internship experiences, including calculating credit hours. In general, students should plan on spending forty hours of effort for each credit hour received.

All internships are assigned via instructor permission. Each internship position has unique responsibilities and requirements, see position descriptions below. All internships require a degree of self-motivation, and most positions provide a significant degree of flexibility for students to have substantial input on project development and implementation. Internships begin with a meeting between Dr. Bradshaw and the student to outline expectations, learning goals, and internship outputs. Students will then typically work self-directed to accomplish activities.

Generally speaking, all internships are unpaid. If a student receives Federal Work Study as part of their financial aid package, that may be applied to effort conducted under the internship. In certain circumstances where interns are performing specific projects as outlined in an extramurally-funded project, paid positions may be created. Those positions will be posted as such.