Week Ten Update

Hello, Tutors–

Not much new to share with you this week.  I hope your midterms all turned out exceptionally and you are finally getting a bit of a break.  At this point in the semester, you have helped to provide 1,118 tutoring sessions totaling 954 hours of tutoring with 462 different students across campus!  Thanks you for all of your hard work so far this semester!

Just a reminder, the absolute last day of tutoring is the last day of classes: December 9, 2010.  No tutoring sessions should be scheduled after this date.

Finally, as always, I have my list of tutor requests.  If you are interested, shoot me an email and send the faculty recommendation form to your professor.  Thanks!

PHRM 201
MATH 251
STAT 221
ASTR 055
CDAE 128, 157
EC 171


The Ninth Week

Greetings, Tutors–

First announcement for the week is that the next pay period ends this weekend.  Be sure to submit your hours on PeopleSoft and log all sessions in TutorTrac.  To make sure that everything is all set, you can run a report in TutorTrac.  Click on the “reports” link on the left side bar and choose scheduling.  Under the scheduling menu, choose “appointments/students by.”  If you are missing any appointments, you can add them in and if there are errors, email me and let me know what changes to make to fix it.

Last pay period, there were a number of problems approving time.  By talking to you (and thank you all for being so patient and helpful in discovering this problem!) I was able to contact TutorTrac with the problem and have learned that there is a difference between what is labeled and recorded in TutorTrac as an appointment, and what is labeled and recorded as a visit.  Appointments are only those sessions scheduled in the Co-op.  There is a small box at the bottom of the lognote that asks if this appointment should be “linked to a visit.”  Please choose yes by checking the box.  This means that when students sign in at the kiosk, as they are supposed to do, TutorTrac will link the scheduled appointment to this student’s arrival.  This will make the records TutorTrac generates more accurate.

We have been approached by Athletics to provide a drop-in group tutoring session for Anatomy and Physiology for athletes on Sunday evenings.  Would anyone be interested in leading these sessions?  They are looking for someone to start as soon as possible–this weekend if you can!– so if you are interested, let me know!

Finally, we have a list of tutor requests.  If you have taken the course, gotten a B+ or better, and want to tutor for it, email the link for a faculty recommendation and shoot me an email to let me know you’re interested.  That link again is: http://www.uvm.edu/~learnco/sat/facrec/

CDAE 024, 128, 157

CMSI 281

STAT 153

CS 008

BSAD 251

PSYC 220

EC 171

ASTR 055

Math 251

Thanks!  And have a wonderful Halloween weekend!

Week Eight Update!

Hello, Tutors!

A few updates for you today.

TutorTrac, in all of its tutor trac-ing glory, has decided to eat some appointments.  That is, for some of you entering your appointments perfectly correctly, they are not showing up when I run a report or even search for your appointments.  Because of this, I may have contacted you because numbers didn’t match for payroll approval.  Thank you all for being patient with me and for those who stopped by to clear things up, thank you!  Because of this I was able to find the problem and am working with our friends at TutorTrac to get it fixed.

Did you know the Learning Co-op is cool enough to have a facebook account?  Well, it is.  And you should be a fan, and encourage tutees to become fans, too.  We update it regularly with group tutoring times and the like.  Here’s the link, incase you’re interested: http://www.facebook.com/pages/University-of-Vermont-Learning-Co-op/177491804873?ref=ts

And, as always, I bid you adieu this week with a litany of tutoring requests.  If you see a course you’ve taken in the past and would like to try your hand at tutoring for it, request a faculty recommendation from your professor by sending them the following link  http://www.uvm.edu/~learnco/sat/facrec/ and send me a quick email.  Thanks!

CDAE 024, 128, 157

CMSI 281

STAT 153

CS 008, 121

BSAD 251

PSYC 220

EC 171

ASTR 055

Week Seven Update

Hello, most-amazing tutors!

It’s the end of week seven, which means the semester is about half-way completed and you have most likely finished your own midterms and begun to weather the storm of tutoring requests once students had their first exams returned.  Thanks for all of your hard work thus far; you are all wonderful!  If you’re looking for a pick-me-up, you might enjoy the following cartoon:


As for announcements, the next pay period ends this Sunday.  ALL of your lognotes must be completed on TutorTrac and your corresponding hours entered into PeopleSoft no later than Sunday night.  Be sure all notes and time submissions are completed accurately– run a report in TutorTrac like I showed you last week– because if your times entered and hours logged do not match, I WILL NOT be able to approve your time.  Thanks!

In the next few weeks, I hope to update the “for Current Tutors” page on the Learning Co-op webpage to be a more complete resource for you.  Let me know what sort of links, instructions, etc you would like to see available there.

Also, since I know people are probably going to start getting sick (’tis the season!) let’s be clear on the protocol for calling in sick (or needing to cancel Co-op time for another reason).  As soon as you can, please contact BOTH me AND the front desk to let us know you won’t be able to make it in.  It is good for everyone to be in the loop so we can re-schedule students as quickly and as painlessly as possible.  Thanks for help with this.

Finally, as always, I leave you with a list of courses for which a tutor has been requested.  If you see a course you’ve taken in the past and would like to try your hand at tutoring for it, request a faculty recommendation from your professor by sending them the following link  http://www.uvm.edu/~learnco/sat/facrec/ and send me a quick email.  Thanks!

BSAD 40, 251
CDAE 002, 024
MLRS 281
CMSI 281
STAT 153
CS 008, 121
GEO 50
MMG 065
SWSS 060
PSYC 220
EC 171, 195


Week Six Update

Hello, tutors!

Another week has gone past and believe it or not, we have had 396 appointments with 213 different students totaling 332.91 hours of tutoring just in these first few weeks of school.  Well done, tutors!

I have a few announcements for you this week, as well as the customary list of tutor requests.

1. Just a reminder; if you are a campus-wide tutor please respond to all tutoring requests you receive as soon as possible.  Whether or not you have time in your schedule to meet with a student, let them know within 24 hours of receiving an email or phone call from them.

2. There is still some available space in the Co-Op; come see me if you tutor a high demand course and would like to fill one of these spots.

3. Hopefully, most people were able to enter hours into PeopleSoft for the last pay period.  If not, please remain patient and keep track of your time to log as soon as HR catches up.  Be sure to keep track of your appointments in Tutor Trac and your hours in PeopleSoft.  If the records from both do not correspond at the end of the pay period, I am sorry but I can not approve your time.  I have included as an attachment a handy instruction sheet on how to run a report in TutorTrac so that you can double check what appointments you have entered.  It’s a great way to make sure you didn’t forget to log a session.

4.  Finally, I want to remind everyone that the “For Current Tutors” page on the Subject Area Tutoring page in the Learning Co-Op website is a great resource for troubleshooting.  All of my weely emails are posted in blog format, and you can even use a drop-down menu on the side to search for important entries/instructions for things like logging hours or finding the link to the faculty recommendation form.

5. Which brings me finally to my list of tutor requests.  If you see a course you’ve taken in the past and would like to try your hand at tutoring for it, request a faculty recommendation from your professor by sending them the following link  http://www.uvm.edu/~learnco/sat/facrec/ and send me a quick email.  Thanks!

BSAD 40, 251
CDAE 002, 024
ITAL 101, 195
PATH 101
MLRS 281
CMSI 281
STAT 153
CS 121
GEO 50
HDFS 005
POLS 129
MMG 065


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