Congrats, Mohamed!

Congratulations are due to one of our own.  Tutor Mohamed Metwally was this year’s winner for the UVM Shaken & Stirred video contest grand prize.  Great job!  You can check out his winning video here:

See you in January!

Hello, Tutors–

I hope the semester is ending well for you all.  Good luck on exams!  Just a few things before you leave for a month of relaxation and (if we get some snow) winter sports.

1. Don’t forget that our MANDATORY spring meeting will be on January 16 from 7:00-9:00 pm in L/L CM 315.  We will be covering very important information regarding the University’s policy regarding mandatory reporting.  Mark your calendars now and be sure to be there.

2. It’s already time to start planning for next year.  If you are interested in leading group tutoring sessions for any of the following classes, please let me know as soon as possible:
MATH 009-121
PHYS 011/12, 52/125
BSAD 60, 61, 65, or 180

3. If you would like to have regular hours in the Co-op next semester, please let me know when you would be available so I can get started on the schedule.  We will begin tutoring the second week of classes (January 23) so it’s important to get a head start!

4.  If you still have any last minute holiday shopping to fund, don’t forget to pick up your paycheck on Friday!

Safe travels home.


Stress Reliever Tomorrow!

Hello, Tutors and SI Leaders–

Congratulations on completing your last day of classes this Fall semester!  You guys have been working hard; reward yourself with a little downtime.  Our ASP Stress Reliever Event will be held TOMORROW from 4:00-7:00 in the Fireplace Lounge in L/L.  There will be FREE FOOD, therapy dogs, and FREE MASSAGES!  Cool stuff.  Bring your friends.

SI Leaders, if you are holding an exam review session, be sure to email your class and let them know when and where!

Your last check before break will be issued on Friday, December 16.  If you need that money for holiday shopping, make sure to get your hours in by midnight on Sunday.

Finally, MARK YOUR CALENDARS for our mandatory all-tutor meeting to kick off the spring semester.  We will be meeting on Monday, January 16 in L/L CM 315.  SI Leaders, we will be meeting from 6:00-8:00.  Subject-Area Tutors, we will be meeting 7:00-9:00pm.

Good luck with the end of the semester!

See you allllllllllll tomorrow.


Wrapping Up…

Hello, Tutors!

Did you now there are over 150 of you now?  We started the semester with 60-ish returners.  Welcome, new folks!  Hope your first semester in the Learning Co-op was great!

A couple of reminders as we wrap up the semester.

1. The last day of tutoring is the same as the last day of classes, December 7.  Unless you have talked to me about holding a group review session, there is no more tutoring after this date.  I have attached a copy of the current exam review schedule.  If you’re interested in holding a group session, let me know.  I would love to add groups for MATH 009-121, CHEM 031, and PSYC 001.

2. You’ve worked hard all semester, and we would like to reward you.  Come to our annual stress reliever event Thursday, December 8 from 4:00-7:00.  There will be free healthy snacks, therapy dogs, and free massages!  I have included a flyer with more information.

3.  The last pay period will end Sunday, December 11 at midnight and your last check of the semester will be issued December 16.  Please be sure to get all of your sessions recorded and hours recorded before leaving for break.

Best of luck on all your end of semester papers, projects, and exams!


Updates 11/10/11

Hi, all–

I have a couple of important announcements for you all this afternoon:

1. TutorTrac is back up and fully operational.  Thanks for your patience today as we worked that out.

2. The current pay period will end this Sunday at midnight!  Please be sure to have all of your session records entered in TutorTrac and submit hours in PeopleSoft.  Drop-in tutors and SI Leaders, be sure also to have your Work Summary Reports and attendance sheets in to me by Monday at noon.

3. HR is currently updating combo codes for temporary employees in the Learning Co-op.  If you are unable to enter your hours in PeopleSoft, let me know on Friday!  I will get in touch with HR and hopefully have them fix the problem in time for you to submit your hours for this pay period.

4. Another reminder, the last day of tutoring will be the last day of classes.  Unless you have received prior approval from me to lead an exam review session or final SI session, there will be no tutoring sessions held (Co-op based or Campus-wide) after Wednesday, December 7.

Have a great evening!


PS–If you’re not drowning in work this last week before break (!) check out Hairspray at the Flynn!  One of our Trio/SSS mentors is in the show and there are student discounts available.

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