Archive for the ‘Current Tutors’ Category

Three Mega-Important Things:

One: Our resume-building workshop with Career Services in tonight from 5:30-7:00 in L/L CM 315. I know you’re enjoying the sunshine, but bring your resume (or the blank piece of paper masquerading as your resume) over tonight for some expert advice.

Two: Would anyone be interested in leading a regular study group for EC 012?

Three: I have received requests for tutors in the following classes.  If you would like to tutor any of these courses, please let me know ASAP so I can match you with the student:

ASTR 053
BSAD 162
EDEC 063 (Child Development)
GEOG  061
MATH 252
ME 171
NFS 163
NR 140
PH 396
STAT 201

Updates 3/15/12

Hello, All!

1. The next pay period ends this Sunday.  Be sure to enter your hours into PeopleSoft and your session records into TutorTrac by Sunday at midnight.

2. If you are interested in attending the resume event we are sponsoring with Career Services for Learning Co-op employees, please complete the quick online survey by following the embedded link.  The event will be held Tuesday, March 20 from 5:30-7:00 in L/L CM 315.  Bring a copy of your resume and get expert feedback from the pros, or come with a blank sheet of paper and get to work drafting your resume.

3. To thank you for all of your hard work this year, we are planning a Student Appreciation Day for all student employees in Academic Support Programs.  The event will be May 3 from 2:00-4:00 pm in the Fireplace Lounge.  We would like to hear from you what kind of event this should be.  Complete the online survey to give us feedback about what kind of FREE food and activities you would like to have.

4. SI Leaders, if you would like to return to the position for Fall 2012, you must let me know no later than March 31.  I will begin recruiting for new SI Leaders on April 1.


Resume Building Workshop

Let’s be honest for a quick moment. Does your tutoring experience look a little something like this on your resume:

“Helped students with Math and Physics.” ?

Many of you will soon be applying for summer jobs or internships, or graduating and taking the plunge into the “grown-up” job market. Whether you are a first yer student or senior, it’s really never too soon to begin crafting a professional resume.Whatever your situation, you all work too hard to not have your experience as a peer tutor in the Learning Co-op bolster your resume. If you think yours could use a little work to better your reflect your time as a tutor–or whatever else– bring your resume to a workshop we’ve designed with Career Services specifically for student staff members in the Learning Co-op on Tuesday, March 20 from 5:30-7:00. The workshop will be in L/L CM 315.

Space is limited, so please sign up or decline attendance by following this link. We look forward to seeing you there!

I Will Give You Free Cookies


Welcome Back!  I hope you had a lovely break.

Both as a way to thank you and to give you a chance to meet some of your co-workers, we want to give you free cookies.  Wednesday, March 14 from 4:00-6:00 in L/L D140 (The kitchen/lounge).  All we need to know is who wants them.  Please RSVP by following this link no later than Tuesday, 3/13.

Thanks!  Hope to see you all there.

Tutoring Updates, March 1 2012

Before you leave for break, there are some things you should know:

Updates and Announcements:
It’s nearly time for Spring Break!  Be safe, have fun, and relax.  We’ll see you back here March 12.  For those of you have Drop-In tutoring or SI Sessions on Sunday, these sessions will be canceled on Sunday, March 4 AND Sunday, March 11.  Please communicate this with your students.

The payroll submission deadline for the next pay period is this Sunday, March 4.  Be sure to get your hours in PeopleSoft and your sessions logged in TutorTrac.  There will be a paycheck waiting for you when you get back.

SI Leaders, I will begin recruiting for Fall 2012 as of April 1.  Please let me know if you plan to return to your position no later than March 31.  If I do not hear form you before that date, I may not be able to guarantee your position, though I want each and every one of you to return!

Upcoming Events with the Learning Co-op:
Wednesday, March 14 from 4:00-6:00 pm join us as we bake cookies together in L/L (exact room TBA).  It will be a nice time to relax as you get back into the swing of things after spring break.  If you plan on stopping in, just let us know by following the link here.  We want to make sure we have enough cookies and milk for everybody!

Tuesday, March 20 from 5:30-7:00 pm we will be partnering with Career Services to present a resume writing workshop for Learning Co-op staff exclusively.  More details to follow, but mark your calendars now!

Tutor Requests:
I have received requests for a tutor in the courses listed below.  If you have taken one of these courses and would like to tutor a student taking it this semester, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can match them with a tutor.  Thank you!

BSAD 162
BSDA 270
ECON 196
EDEC 063 (Child Development)
EDFS (School and Society)
ENVS 195
GEOG  061
HIST 016
ME 171
NFS 163
SOC 029
STAT 201
WFB 224
SOC 100


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