Archive for the ‘Current Tutors’ Category

Welcome Back!

Hello, friends!

We are very close now to the beginning of the semester.  I hope you are excited!  As per usual, I have a list of updates and announcements for you all.  Here goes:

1. Our All-Tutor Meeting will take place on Monday, September 5, from 7:00-8:30 pm in L/L CM 315.  This meeting is MANDATORY if you wish to return as a tutor this semester.  Whether you choose to dress to impress is up to you, however.  If you will not be able to make this meeting, please talk to me ASAP.

2. Rather than listen to me review policies you’ve known for years, there is a policy reminder survey available on the blog and by following this link:  You must complete this survey before you are eligible to begin tutoring for the semester.

3. If you delete this email and lose the link to the reminder survey or the location for our meeting, fret not, dear tutors.  All this information and more is available on the tutor blog.

4.  Speaking of the blog, you may notice that I have recently posted a schedule for payroll deadlines and paycheck deliveries.  I will still send reminders to submit your hours as I did last year, but feel free to refer to this schedule at your convenience and to plan any large purchases.

5. The first day of tutoring will be SEPTEMBER 12.  No tutoring appointments may be scheduled prior to this date.

6. If you are paid with work study funds or tutor at least one high-demand course and would like to schedule regular hours in the Learning Co-op for this semester, please be in touch.  I am starting to draft the Co-op schedule now.

7. I am currently looking to hire tutors to lead Drop-In Group Tutoring sessions for the semester in BSAD 60, 61, 65, and 180; CHEM 26, 31, and 141; MATH 009-121; NFS 043; PHYS 11 and 31; PSYC 001; and STAT 51, 11, and 141.  If you are interested or want to learn more about this opportunity, please let me know ASAP.

Enjoy your last week of freedom…See you soon!



Fall 2011 Payroll Deadlines

School is about to start, and so is tutoring.  Throughout the semester, refer to the Payroll Deadlines, Fall 2011 to enter your hours on time.

Study Blue

Hey All–

I know it is summer and you are probably staying as far away from studying as you possibly can, but in case you are still hitting the books, you should try checking out this website:  Study Blue allows you to create a free account, then create online flashcards, upload your notes, and share with other students in your class.  Since you organize notes by your school and the class name, anyone else at UVM enrolled in the same class will be able to view and use your study materials.  Which means you can use their flashcards to study, too.  It is a great way to form “study groups” you can participate in at 3:30 in the morning or to share and compare notes for class.  I type faster than I print, so it was a quick way to make 200+ vocab flashcards to study for the GRE.  And, the site will create quizzes for you to take when it’s time to study.  Check it out!

Hope you’re having amazing summers!  I must admit, the Learning Co-op is awfully quiet without you all around…



Program Surveys, End of the Year Celebration, and Summer Tutoring

Hello, Tutors and SI Leaders–

Well, the day has finally arrived.  Classes for the Spring semester, 2011, have officially ended.  Congratulations on all of your hard work, and best of luck on your remaining papers, projects, and exams!

The last reminders I have before setting you free for the summer are as follows:

#1:  If you have not yet completed the evaluation for your program (SI or Subject-Area tutoring) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take the time to do so!  This is your last chance to complete the survey and enter to win an iTunes gift card.  (If you worked as both an SI Leader and Subject-Are Tutor this academic year, you may complete both surveys).

Subject-Area Tutors, please follow this link:

SI Leaders, your survey can be found here:

#2:  Today is the LAST DAY OF TUTORING!  The Learning Co-op cannot pay you for any tutoring hours completed after Wednesday, May 4.  If you choose to meet with a student beyond this date, you will need to arrange for payment on a private-tutoring basis directly.  I have attached a flyer detailing the Supplemental Instruction exam review schedule.  You may refer your tutees to this resource for extra help during exam week.

#3:   Your next pay checks will be issued on Friday, May 6.  The Co-op will be open from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm for you to pick them up.  Any hours you have competed this week will appear on your paycheck issued May 20.  If you will not be in town to pick up your check, email me your address so we can send the check to you this summer.

#4:   If you will be in the Burlington area this summer and would like to tutor, please let me know and I will add you to our summer tutors list.

#5:   We will be holding our End of the Year Celebration tomorrow (Thursday) from 2-4 pm in the Fireplace Lounge.  We hope to see you all there!  Seniors, please be sure to stop by the celebration tomorrow so we can give you a special thank you for all of your hard work over the years.

Have a safe, happy, and healthy summer!  And for all of you not graduating in the Spring, I can’t wait to see your smiling faces again in the Fall.  Seniors, we will all miss you!


April Updates: Final Edition

Good morning, tutors and SI Leaders!

Less than a week left of classes and so much left to do! I’ll get right down to business.

#1: We would like to take the time to thank you for your hard work this semester and recognize our seniors.  Come by the fireplace lounge between 2:00 and 4:00 pm on Thursday, May 5 for our END OF THE YEAR CELEBRATION!

#2: If you will be in the area and would like to tutor this summer, let me know!  I will add you to a list posted on our website so that students can be in touch with you directly to set up an appointment.

#3: If you will be out of town before picking up your last paycheck, we would be happy to send it to you in the mail.  If you are interested, simply send me your mailing address.

#4: This PAY PERIOD WILL CLOSE ON SUNDAY, please be sure to submit all session records into TutorTrac and enter your hours in PeopleSoft no later than midnight on Sunday.

#5: SI Leaders, the folders for your evaluations are all set.  You can pick them up in the SI office.

#6:  The LAST DAY OF TUTORING is Wednesday, May 4.  You may not meet with students during exam week!  If you are an SI Leader or group tutor and you would like to hold an exam review session after May 4, please let me know when and where you would like to be scheudled no later than Friday, April 29.  I will need to put in a request for rooms with plenty of time to spare.

#7:Finally, would you like to WIN AN ITUNES GIFT CARD?  Please take the time to complete the subject-area tutoring or supplemental instruction program evaluation and you will be entered in a raffle to win a gift card.  You will only have until May 4 to complete the evaluation, so don’t wait!

Subject-Area Tutors, please complete this evaluation:

SI Leaders, please complete this evaluation:

Best of luck on all of your end of the year papers, projects, and exams!  Remember to eat well, get some sleep, and enjoy the sunshine when you can.


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