Archive for the ‘Current Tutors’ Category

Tutoring Program Updates 10/21/11

Hello, hello, fabulous tutors!

It’s the end of yet another week, and I hope you are all surviving midterms.  It is pumpkin latte season again, if that’s your thing, so hopefully that will help.

A few announcements for you all, as per usual.

1. Did you know that since the first day of tutoring, we have more than doubled the number of subject-area tutors on staff?  It’s true.  There are now more than 130 of you amazing people!

2.  The beauty of a large staff is that if you are feeling overwhelmed, we have reinforcements.  If you are receiving emails for requests you cannot fill, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!  I can work with you to adjust your schedule and match these students with another tutor.  And, I’m happy to do it.  It’s kind of like of bragging about how many awesome people we have here…

3. We have had a HUGE number of requests for tutors in CHEM 31.  The appointments in the Co-op for CHEM 31 are scheduled out into November, however, and I have heard feedback from students that they would like additional opportunities to schedule CHEM 31 appointments in the Co-op.  If you are interested in adding Co-op hours for CHEM 31, please let me know!

4.  We also need BSAD tutors.  If you or friends are BSAD masters, let me know!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Tutoring Updates 10/14/11

Hello, Tutors and SI Leaders–

Thank you for all of your hard work this semester!  Hard to believe that the semester is nearly halfway over…

A couple of announcements, reminders, and the like as we move forward.

1.  If you are working in the Co-op, please remember to check in with the front desk staff.  Just let them know who you are and why you’re here.  It will help them to know your name, especially when students arrive to work with you.  For SI leaders, this is particularly helpful, as students won’t have an appointment on TutorTrac that the front desk staff can check if they are dropping by for your office hours.

2. It is super important that as tutors and SI Leaders you keep track of all of the contacts you make with students.  When meeting a student in the Co-op, always ask if they have signed into TutorTrac at the kiosk and when your session is complete, please walk with them to the front of the Co-op and have them sign-out, as this will log a visit record in TutorTrac.  SI Leaders, please also keep a running list of students who drop by during your office hours.  Thanks!

3. The current pay period will close this Sunday.  Please be sure to have all of your hours recorded in PeopleSoft and corresponding session records entered into TutorTrac no later than midnight on Sunday.  SI Leaders and Drop-in Group Tutors, remember you will need to submit a work summary report and your most recent attendance sheets.  If you have work study, remember also to submit a work summary report.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Tutoring Updates 10/10/11

Hello, all–

I wanted to send along a few reminders and updates as we get started this week.

One: If you are unable to schedule a campus-wide appointment, please let me know!  Include the student’s name, email address, and the class for which they would like a tutor.  I will follow-up and make sure they have been matched with someone.  We don’t want any students getting stranded!

Two: If you need to cancel an availability in the Learning Co-op, you MUST approve the cancellation with me first.  Advanced notice is necessary so that we can remove the availability before an appointment is scheduled.

Three: New tutors, welcome to the team!  If you would like to schedule hours in the Learning Co-op, please get in touch with me and we can set a schedule together.

Four: Work Study tutors, remember, you MUST be turning in Work Summary reports and entering your hours in PeopleSoft each week.

Five: When you come into the Co-op to tutor or even to check in with me, please be sure to check in with the front desk staff.  They have a lot to take care of and you introducing yourself will help them out immensely!

Six: I still could use a tutor to lead drop-in groups for BSAD classes.  Please let me know if you are interested!


SI Updates 10/10/11

At this point, I have been able to observe most of you in action.  All of the sessions I have seen have been great!  If I have been in to observe you, please be sure to schedule a follow-up check-in with me for this week or the next.  For those of you i have yet to observe, you can go ahead and schedule early for a check-in post observation.

A few reminders, announcements, and the like.

One:  You all have two “mailboxes” in the Learning Co-op.  I realized last week that I may not have made that as clear as I should have.  The folder in the SI office filing cabinet is where your attendance sheets, work summary reports, and works sheets will be stored.  You can turn in your WSR and attendance sheets here directly, or leave them in my mailbox.  You paychecks will be in a file with your name on it in the filing cabinet outside the SI office, the one with the tea kettle and coffee maker on it.  this folder is just for paychecks.

Two: Your session time reminder labels are done!  After some issues with the printer, we have finally got them all set.  Coordinate a time with your professor to make another quick announcement in class and pass these out.  Maybe give a plug about how awesome SI is for reviewing for upcoming midterms while you’re at it…

Three: At this point in the semester, you should have a system in place for regularly contacting your students with reminders about session days and times.  At this point in the semester, when things are starting to pick up, it is imperative that you are in close contact with students and encouraging them to attend. Don’t let them fall out of the habit of attending!

Week Three Updates

Hello, Lovely Tutors!

We have come nearly to the end of our fist week of tutoring.  Great job!

I have just a couple of announcements and a BUNCH of tutor requests.  Here goes:

1. TutorTrac is back up and directions on logging session records is up on the blog.

2. The next pay period will be ending this week.  Please be sure ALL of your session records are logged in TutorTrac and your hours entered in PeopleSoft by Sunday night at midnight.

3. The Honor’s College is looking for a tutor to lead drop-in sessions on Wednesday evenings (6-8, 7-9, or 8-10 pm) weekly this semester.  IF you are interested, let me know ASAP!  I would like to get this started by next week.

4.There is a new ID/password for the printer and copier for tutors in the Co-op.  It is 678.

I am in need of tutors for the following courses.  We have received requests and students are anxiously awaiting the opportunity to meet work with a tutor.  If you have taken any of the courses listed below and would like to add it to your list of specialties, please request a faculty recommendation (following the instructions listed on the blog) and let me know.  I’ll match you with the student as soon as I receive your faculty recommendation.

MLRS 281
STAT 183
CDAE 254
EC 171
SOC 101
BCOR 101
RMS 213
MATH 18 (this is listed as “basic math”)
PBIO 185
BSAD 265
GEOL 001
ME 111
JAPN 101 and 121
CEMS 095
ANTH 021
CE 10
CSD 101
PRNU 128 and 120

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