Category Archives: Uncategorized
February: Survival
One phenological change I noticed from January to February, not just in the Redstone Pines but on campus as a whole, is that I’m starting to hear more birds, especially on really sunny days. According to Naturally Curious, the birds … Continue reading
January- Endurance
These are grey squirrel tracks! It makes sense that I spotted these because I almost always see them when visiting the Redstone Pines. There hasn’t been much phenological change from December to January at the Redstone pines.
Orangetown / Rockland County Sense of Place
The Hudson River has an interesting history of pollution throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Most infamously, General Electric dumped an estimated 1.3 million pounds of polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, into the Hudson River. I live in the widest part … Continue reading
Field Notes
I just realized that the pictures of my field notes for the last two prompts did not upload! So here they are:
Phenology and Place
SNOW!!! We must be approaching the end of this project because it’s officially winter. It snowed and the Redstone Pines still look beautiful. It’s definitely got a winter wonderland look to it. Something I noticed while visiting my phenology site … Continue reading
Mapping & Charismatic Species
Here’s a picture of my field notes from my last visit to Redstone Pines. It also shows the map I made of my phenology site too. I included where you could find some of the species I identified, the types … Continue reading
Entry #1
The Redstone Pines Recreation Area is a semi-forested, semi-cleared area adjacent to the Redstone campus at UVM. The Redstone Pines are mostly coniferous Eastern white pine trees, but there are a few deciduous trees and woody shrubs. You can almost … Continue reading
Redstone Pines!
I chose the Redstone Pines as my site for my phenology project because they’re super accessible and close to where I live. Here’s a photo I took last week!