Mapping & Charismatic Species

Here’s a picture of my field notes from my last visit to Redstone Pines. It also shows the map I made of my phenology site too. I included where you could find some of the species I identified, the types of vegetation, and the surrounding roads and walkways.

Here’s a picture of one of the few deciduous trees you can find in the Redstone Pines, a Norway maple. Norway maple leaves, along with pine needles, are what is mostly making up the leaf litter I’ve been finding a lot when I visit my site.

This is a picture of a black cherry tree. You can tell it’s a black cherry because of the bark.

Here’s a picture of the most abundant tree in the Redstone Pines, the Eastern white pine. I believe that these were probably planted by people developing UVM’s campus, and don’t naturally occur here.

This is lesser periwinkle. It covers a pretty large part of the ground at Redstone Pines, closer to Henderson Terrace.

I found common buckthorn last time I was in the Redstone Pines. This is an invasive, non-native species to Vermont.

I couldn’t identify the specific species of this plant, but I think it is something called brambles. I’ve seen it in Centennial Woods too!

Here are a few more interesting and pretty pictures I took while in Redstone Pines:

I saw a squirrel the last time I was here, but I couldn’t get a picture of it. I’ve seen a lot less squirrels here than I did in the beginning of the semester, probably because of the cooler temperatures. Overall, or at least plant wise, I don’t think the Redstone Pines are that biodiverse. It might appear more biodiverse during the spring and summer though. The soil at Redstone Pines has a really think O-horizon, mostly made up of pine needles and other leaf litter (like from the Norway maple). There’s a lot less people here than the beginning of the semester, probably because of the cooler weather. I found some graffitti and included a picture of it.

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