Wildlife I spotted a snowshoe hare track near my phenology site. During the day the snowshoe hare usually sits quietly under conifer branches or thickets (form) in a sheltered cavity. At night is when they are most active. During the winter they mainly eat buds, twigs, bark, and evergreens. The snowshoe hare has a lot […]
January Endurance
There have been only slight changes in my site since my last visit. The stream has definitely gotten wider from the water eroding the sides of it. My site was more quiet than the last time I visited. The only sound I could hear was the current of the water flowing. There were no chirping […]
Sense of Place
My sense of place is at 5 Orchard Lane in Livingston, NJ. This is the address of my home. Orchard lane is located on a hill, and my house is at the top of a hill. Vegetation and different shrubs border the front of my house. My backyard is long and fenced in, with plenty […]
Sense of Place
My sense of place at my site, in Centennial Woods, has developed. When I first picked my spot, it did not have much meaning to me. I had been to Centennial Woods multiple times before, and I just picked a place that I thought was interesting. However, each time I go back to visit my […]
Mapping and Charismatic Species 11/1/19
My site was murky and wet on this visit. Since there was a torrential rainstorm yesterday, lots of water was violently flowing in the brook. At my site, I identified four plant species and two animal species. The plants I found were a Norway Maple, Red Oak, dandelions, and grass. I saw a squirrel and […]
Introduction to My Place
I am tracking the phenology of a small area of land by the brook in Centennial Woods. The stream, wooden planks, and green, grassy vegetation present all around the wooden planks and stream define my area. To arrive here, you should enter Centennial Woods from Catamount Drive and walk past the wooden sign on the […]
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