Mapping and Charismatic Species 11/1/19

My site was murky and wet on this visit. Since there was a torrential rainstorm yesterday, lots of water was violently flowing in the brook. At my site, I identified four plant species and two animal species. The plants I found were a Norway Maple, Red Oak, dandelions, and grass. I saw a squirrel and chipmunk run through the grass area surrounding the brook. There was a slimy, dark brown, maroon-colored worm trying to make its way into the wet, sappy dirt about two feet from the water. Lastly, I found a little beetle crawling on the dandelion leaves that have a dirt coating. The red Oak and Norway maple trees did not have many leaves left on the tree.

Since my last visit, my site has changed drastically. The big rainstorm last night impacted the area. A lot of erosion was present on the sides of the brook. The decay is likely from the abundance of water present in the stream. The was water a foggy brown colored and had extremely high turbidity. The grass in between the wooden planks and the brook was flattened out. The grass was flat from the water that flooding the area, and the rain beating down on it. I did not hear any birds this time, and the only sound that I was able to identify was the swishing of the water moving down the brook. The temperature has dropped a bit from the last time I visited, likely causing the birds the migrate. The soil also changed. The soil was very saturated and muddy during this visit.

The map I drew allowed me to understand my site better. After drawing the map, I realized that the shape of the brook had lots of curves. I made me more aware of what was around my area. I also now understand where directions north and south are located.

Field Notes

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