Socialize With Cows to Promote Soil Fertility

by Juan Alvez, Pasture Technical Coordinator When I studied Agronomy in Brazil, my grazing mentors recommended that farmers that walked in the paddock or grazing strips for a few minutes previous to moving the cows to a fresh pasture, might stimulate soil fertility. If you are wondering how this is possible, read on and I’ll […]

Animal Behavior: Avoiding Grazing Selectivity

By Juan Alvez , Pasture Program Technical Coordinator In general, well-managed swards should present a variety of grasses, legumes and forbs, each fulfilling an important function in animal nutrition and health. All species have more or less, sugars, proteins and minerals. Legumes are well-known for fixing nitrogen via plant root-bacteria symbiosis. They also carry important […]

It’s OK to Trample!

by Kimberly Hagen, Pasture Program Grazing Specialist “Graziers need to get beyond the paralyzing paradigm of wasting grass if we want to be truly sustainable.” Those are the words of Ian Mitchell-Innes, of South Africa – farmer, philosopher, punster and no-nonsense world renowned educator of grazing farmers, and wanna-be grazers all over this planet. He […]