Industrial Hemp No Trespassing Sign

We have been receiving request for the template of our UVM research trial Industrial Hemp No Trespassing signs (PDF template) as well as a JPG file format. We ordered ours a few years ago from Premier Signs & Graphics at 1651 St. Albans Road, Richford, VT 05476, 802-848-3151. Material options were coroplast, PVC, and maxmetal. …

Addressing Winter Injury in Forage Fields

AGiven the long and harsh winter, many farmers are seeing winterkill and damage in their forage fields this spring. If you have yet to inspect your fields, now is the time to begin. Grasses and legumes are beginning to grow and signs of damage can be seen more easily seen at this time. Signs of …

Grass-fed dairy production webinars in December

There are 2 upcoming (free) webinars on grass-fed dairy production on December 11 and 12th hosted by eOrganic. Click on the links below to register to attend.   On the 11th, Kathy Sodor will speak on the use of molasses as an energy source   On the 12th, Heather Darby and Sarah Flack will …

Expanded grass-fed dairy production research project

Expanded grass-fed dairy production research project to start this fall thanks to funding from USDA Thanks to new grant funding, current research on grass fed dairy production will be expanded to a larger geographic region and scope, addressing more of the key issues in grass-fed dairy production. This new multi-year research project, funded by USDA’s …

Drainage and Doughnuts – Tile Drainage Webinar Series

Through conversations, workshops, and a recent survey, we know that farmers are highly motivated to understand and implement best management practices on fields with subsurface drainage tiles so that both environmental and production risks can be minimized.  The University of Vermont Extension Northwest Crops and Soils Program is offering a tile drainage webinar series to …

Webinar on pasture and forage crop insurance program

Webinar on pasture and forage crop insurance program Wednesday, September 26, 12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. Link to register:   Many farmers have experienced reduced hay yields and diminished pasture regrowth due to drier-than-normal weather conditions. The Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage (PRF) Rainfall Index crop insurance program is an option that may help offset the …

Grass Fed Dairy Production on-farm field day

Join us at The Larson Farm to hear about Rich and Cynthia Larsons’ experiences with all grass fed dairy production. Established in 1977, The Larson Farm dairy herd is 100% grass fed, all A2A2 genetics, and is certified organic and also certified 100% grass fed by PCO.  They sell grass fed beef, raw milk and …

No-Till Intensive Trainings for Agricultural Service Providers (ASPs)

The University of Vermont Extension, in conjunction with the Natural Resources Conservation Service and The University of Maine Cooperative Extension, is offering a free No-Till Intensive Training for Agricultural Service Providers (ASPs)! Deadline to sign up is October 15, 2018. The No-Till Intensive Training will include three parts: 1. Online Trainings – 8 CCA credits, …

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