Oliver’s Phenology Blog

A UVM blog

January; Endurance

Since the last time that I visited my phenology site it has been nearly two months, and there have been a lot of changes. First of all, the ground is covered with snow! This is super exciting because I can now do some wildlife tracking and see what animals there are interacting with my site that I’ve never seen in person. this is one of the first things I did when I got there. Since my spot were I usually sit it right on the path, I decided to walk around a little bit and right away I saw some deer tracks. These tracks were very clear and probably pretty fresh.

Deer track path
Deer print next to the tracking guide
Clear Deer print in the snow

As I continued to wander about my site I also discovered some tracks from a cotton tail rabbit. The rabbits tracks were near the brook and headed towards the brush and the woods.

Set of Cottontail Rabbit Tracks

Once I went back to my usual spot I found ti interesting that there was absolutely no ice formation along the brook. When I visited, it was about 31 degrees F, and overcast with snow showers. IT had also been quite cold and below freezing for a couple weeks so I was surprised that the brook wasn’t able to freeze at all. Another thing that I noticed was that all of the trees had lost their leaves, but there was still a few red berries on one of the shrubs. These berries are going to be food for birds throughout the winter when it is difficult for them to find nuts and worms.

Flowing brook
Red Berries
Field Notes

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