Intro to my Phenology Spot

Welcome to the Lake Champlain waterfront jetty! This tiny strip of land juts out into the Lake, providing a great fishing spot at the very end. This spot can be reached by walking from campus if you have some time to explore.  It is close to a 40 minute walk down college street to the water, then along the bike path.  But, it can be shortened by taking the College Street shuttle down to the ECHO Center, and walking or biking from there.

I chose this location as a reminder of my favorite state park from home: a small remaining area of maritime forest in my hometown, an island in New Jersey. Any body of water is always peaceful and calming to me, so I figured I would commit to visiting this interesting area on Lake Champlain.

Here, the vegetation includes quite a few red maples: mostly saplings, but a couple matured red maples can be found also.  In addition, you can find black locust, eastern cottonwood, and lots of large rocks/boulders (great for power naps, if you can find a nice and comfortable one).


Here’s the link to the location on Google Maps:’11.7%22N+73%C2%B013’45.0%22W/@44.4865871,-73.2313554,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m8!1m2!11m1!3e4!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d44.4865872!4d-73.2291643

Coordinates: 44.486583, -73.229167



Google Maps. (2018). [Lake Champlain Waterfront. Burlington, VT] [Street Map]. Retrieved September 28, 2018, from’11.7%22N+73%C2%B013’45.0%22W/@44.4865871,-73.2313554,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m8!1m2!11m1!3e4!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d44.4865872!4d-73.2291643

Kampf, M. (Photographer). (2018). Untitled [Burlington Waterfront, Photograph].


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