Still my hero…

Something scary happened last week. My sister got admitted to the hospital. She’s fine now but for a long twenty-four hours we thought she might have leukemia or a rare blood disease called TTP. Since she’s half a world away in Hawaii my dad flew me there so she wouldn’t be alone to deal with (expletive of your choice) doctors.

That’s one of the most amazing things about my dad. He may not always be here but we know implicitly he’ll be there if we ask for help.

So thanks, diddy, for being the kind of guy a girl can look up to even as an adult.


I’m talking to *you*…

Found this shot:

which pretty much sums up a lot about my dad in one photo. It also sums up my feelings regarding how long it’s been since the big man posted here himself. Even more appropriately:

I so badly want KDK to stumble upon my mischief rather than me spilling the proverbial beans but goodness HOW LONG MUST ONE WAIT?!

I did just get a card from K-squared’s stop in Dublin. I picture him writing it while channeling a full on Irish brogue, “The fellas was in good form and we had good craic!” (I had to Google that last bit.) He left a message for me at work in an actual brogue. It was…incredible. I’ll have to try and get the audio on here at some point.

More Where’s Keith-O coming soon.





Give that man a map…

KDK has been radio silent now for a full week. Sure, he’s been crossing the Atlantic (yada, yada, yada) but that seems like a less than legitimate excuse to avoid blogging to me [internet connectivity issues aside.]

I am taking advantage of his absence to post another gem I found:

think this was taken on our trip to the Saguenay Fjord. Look at that intense concentration, that windswept hair, that determined finger pointing! This is a man who knows his longitude from his latitude. Captain, if the ship’s navigation fails, this man will guide you home (or at least to the nearest pub.)

G. Louise