Welcome to Centennial Woods


My spot where I will be spending the future weeks exploring is in Centennial Woods. After entering Centennial Woods Natural Area from the trailhead on Carrigan drive, it is a short 10 minutes trek down the trail. I knew I wanted to explore Centennial woods, but I chose this specific spot because it is right next to Centennial Brook. I find the ecosystems around water features fascinating so I am excited to spend more time with the brook. I made sure to choose a spot that I found peaceful; I can hear the brook babble as I sit beside it.


Fall in the Brook (Scannell, J. 2016)

There is a lot of vegetation in the area. The ground is covered in ferns with many small bushes that I am unable to identify at this point. For trees, there is a Red Oak on the edge of the forest to my left, a massive Red Maple that towers above me, and a large Norway Maple on the other side of the brook.


Log (Scannell, J. 2016)


View to the right of my spot (Scannell, J. 2016)

I am excited to learn more about my beautiful “hide-away along the brook” and share it with you.


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