PhenMy Phenology Plot is located at the end of North Beach. Once you get to North Beach, walk towards the building that has snacks and bathrooms, and then keep walking. Walk until you get to the end of the parking lot, and then walk along the edge of the beach and the brush until you pass the fenced off zoning area. Walk back into the brush towards the pond, and you have arrived at my spot.

This place is very special; it is a wild place on the edge of a human space. There is great diversity – the space contains an aquatic ecosystem, wetlands, and terrestrial space. I love finding connections, so unveiling the interactions between these very different communities will be intriguing.

The woody plants of my spot include Boxelders, Glossy Buckthorn, young Norway Maples, Northern Red Oak, Rock Elm, Black Willow and Basswood.

Vines of my spot include Grapevines and Virginia Creeper.

Non-woody plants include Black Raspberries, Cattails, Goldenrod, and many more I have yet to identify. the ground is 98% covered in vegetation.

Link to Google Maps:
