Hand Drawn Map

Here is a sketch of my phenology place and a key for my symbols. It slopes down pretty heavily, and I included some of the more notable, larger trees in the area. There are also a quite a few dead trees. Two of which I am using as borders of my area of the woods. The lowest section of this area has quite a few dead trees as well, but there is the most ground coverage with little ferns and many small American Beeches growing. There may have been a disturbance in this part of Centennial which would explain the dead trees in the area, but the open canopy here is allowing the smaller trees to grow.

There are not many changes to my phenology space, aside from the leaves starting to turn. There is a heavier covering of dead leaves on the forest floor.

Map of Centennial Woods – Izzy Mize
Key for Map of Centennial Woods -Izzy Mize
Centennial Woods 3 – Izzy Mize