Malt Barley and Hop Quality at Annual Field Day

Malt Barley and Hop Quality is just one of the afternoon sessions you can choose to attend at the Annual Crops & Soils Field Day on July 26th at Borderview Farm in Alburgh, VT.  Andrew Peterson of Peterson Quality Malt will talk about malt barley quality and scouting for grain diseases. The NWCS team will …

What’s Hoppening with the Hoppers?

  (Image: First, second, and third instar potato leafhopper nymphs.) Potato leafhoppers (PLH) have arrived early this year and they were first spotted last week in Addison County hopyards.  As the information is as relevant now as it was last year, we are re-posting this hop blog. Knowing what to look for and having a …

Think you found hop powdery mildew in your yard?

Bill Weldon, a graduate student at Cornell University, is conducting research on hop powdery mildew for his PhD thesis. He is trying to collect as many samples of hop powdery mildew from around the country as he can, and is asking for your help should you encounter powdery mildew in your hopyard or in areas …

2018 Hops Power Hour and Hops Project

Over the past year, the University of Vermont Extension Northwest Crops & Soils (NWCS) Team has been working with many of you in the Northeast on our NE-SARE funded project to advance pest and nutrient management strategies for Northeast hop production. If you were among the more than 60 growers who participated in our project …

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