UVM Extension Northwest Crops and Soils program is hosting “The Basics of Descriptive Sensory Analysis” 2021 Sensory Training course. UVM Extension’s sensory expert, Roy Desrochers, will be the instructor for this interactive comprehensive six module virtual training program, that will be held Tuesday and Thursdays from March 30 to April 15, 8:30am to 10:00am.
The program was initially offered to hop growers, and we are now opening 15 additional spots for hop brewers. You must register by this Friday, March 19th by 4pm. As this program, that teaches the basics of objective aroma and flavor evaluation, is interactive, we need to have time to mail you a box of supplies before the first module on March 30.
View the Sensory Training Course flyer. Cost is $200 per person. You can register online here or call UVM’s Non-Credit Registrar’s office at 802-656-8407 by Friday, March 19 at 4pm. Remember, registration is capped at 15 brewers.