Archive for March, 2016

Ethics and Social Construct

Posted in Uncategorized on March 23, 2016 by hmiranda

Vermont a place of change, a lovely liberal town with an emphasis on the environment. Centennial Woods is a place in which the woods are used for recreational and teaching purposes. A place in which becomes place to get away from our generic society. When an individual first arrives with these woods, it can be observed that the trees are young and only a second successional forest. This land was once used as land for farmers and apple orchids. As one walks further in it becomes apparent that there has been a shift in the forest. These trees are much are mature. As one takes a closer look at the trees one can observe that these Beech trees have been spared for a particular reason. These trees have grown and emerged with the barbed wire of the surrounding area.  But, then as one travels further into the forest it suddenly becomes a first successional and right above this area, they are power lines towering over a wooded area.

This narrative is true for many forested areas within the United States. There is increased evidence of human disturbance and dominance over these areas. Vermont is not an exemption to this reality. Centennial woods like many other locations has become a dubbing ground for many individuals. The paths are eroded and roots are exposed. The land is no longer treated with respect. The streams that run through the woods are filled with student litter from University litter. Utensil such as forks especially enjoy floating through this water system. This site may very well become a part of campus as there has been an increase need for the University to expend housing in order to admit more students within this campus. The future of Centennial Woods is at jeopardy as the University has an increased interest in increasing its profits at the expense of the surrounding woodland area.

Ecotage is an interesting term that holds a lot of controversy. It is the practice of damaging property to prevent ecological damage. Much of the readings describe this as a rights movement for those who have a lesser voice. Most individuals for example, pay little attention to the electricity plant and power lines installed in Centennial because it is too much of a great benefit. Therefore, it has become essential that if individuals truly want to make a change and preserve the planet action is need because simple disobedience does not truly solve our problems. Though radical change is needed however, it doesn’t necessarily need to be done by harming individuals but by making certain resources like fossil fuels unobtainable and making renewable energy the only option. Humans cannot have the luxury of choosing because if they did they would choose industries that contained large negative externalities with small consumer rates. If these social norms of greed and money adapted by westerners were to be turned on its head it would influence us to adapt new social norms which would involve living more holistically with our planet.


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