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Ostrom wins Nobel Prize in Economics
Posted: October 19th, 2009 by Environmental Thought Culture
Just wanted to share my pleasure, a little belatedly (though I’ve blogged about it elsewhere), about Elinor Ostrom’s being awarded a Nobel Prize for Economics. Ostrom is a political scientist whose work on the commons is central to reconceptualizing the human capacity to manage commonly held resources.
Is there an Environmental Studies canon?
Posted: September 6th, 2009 by Environmental Thought Culture
An e-mail asking about an “environmental studies canon,” sent recently by veteran environmental writer John Lane to the ASLE listserv, might have flared up into a full-throttle debate over the joys and pitfalls of disciplinary canonization, but quickly fizzled out, probably due to its coinciding with the end of summer and beginning of the fall semester. John’s proposed list, shared below, reflected the “mainstream” American ES consensus fairly well, and the responses indicated both its problems and the breadth of unquestioned support some of its texts would get from those who teach in the field.
ASLE conference reports
Posted: June 18th, 2009 by Environmental Thought Culture
The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) met recently in Victoria, British Columbia, and several participants have been blogging about it. NY Times environmental reporter Andy Revkin, who was a plenary speaker
at the conference, posts about it here. I’ve summarized his plenary comments as well as some of the other discussions around ecocriticism, environmental communication, and the future of reading and writing at Immanence. Other blogs discussing the conference and posting photos and observations from it include Terrain.org, Iambic Cafe, Keri Cronin, Writing as Jo, and West Procrastination.
The other major environmental communication conference, COCE, will take place next week in Maine. Information about it will likely become available through the COCE listserv, which you can join here.
Posted: May 15th, 2009 by Environmental Thought Culture
To kick-start some conversation here, I would like to invite ETC faculty and grad students to share a few sentences about 1 or 2 books you’ve recently read that you consider essential reading in the environmental thought and culture field (however you choose to define that field). If you can throw in a link to the GoogleBooks or Amazon page of the book(s), that would be great. – Adrian
Posted: May 15th, 2009 by Environmental Thought Culture
Welcome to the Environmental Thought & Culture weblog. This will be a space for announcements related to the Environmental Thought and Culture graduate concentration of the University of Vermont’s Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources. It will also be a moderated public forum where faculty, students, and interested others can share thoughts on topics and current events relevant to environmental thought and practice.
The way to contribute, for now, is to comment on something that’s written here (look for the “Comment” link below each entry). In time, I hope to make this a more interactive forum, but let’s just first try to get it off the ground. If you’d like to e-mail me directly to make any suggestions or comments outside of any “Comments” threads, you can find my e-mail at the bottom of the “Environmental Thought and Culture at UVM” page, which is the first link on the sidebar at your right.
– Adrian