November Developments

06 Nov

Since my previous October visit my site has undergone a number of changes. The leaves that had fallen previously are starting to decompose, the water levels are much lower than before, the wheat type species that dominates the neighboring field are starting to die, and there is a much more noticeable presence of birds and squirrels.


Front view of the peninsula. You can see the way the water wraps around the center land mass. This for me, was essential in forming a strong sense of place. I am able to tune in to the water as it naturally flows around me in a calm manner.


While sitting in my spot I am constantly fascinated by the water that flows through. These are some of my favorite photos I have taken of them in my time there.

The wild wheat species that neighbors the left-hand side of my spot are beginning to lose their seeds and in some cases, die.

I found this mushroom on a tree near my spot. I found it on many other trees in the area, and I expect at some point to be able to find them on some of the trees in my site. Pictured next to the mushroom is an updated map of the site including all of the changes I have observed since my last visit.




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