Phenology Red Stone Quarry

Ellie McSweeney

I finally figured out the name of the place. It is either Red Stone or Red Rock quarry. I went on a very nice day and it was a very enjoyable time. Because most of the leaves were fallen my walk through the trail to the quarry was carpeted with yellow leaves. I sat on a rock that was a bit of a climb because it was isolated from the rest of it and just watch and listened. I love sitting and looking around, I was trying to get a view of the Lake and some of the mountains but could only see the top of the mountains. I saw a bird nest on my way in so I was trying to listen for any birds but I heard none. I did however hear the squirrels scurrying to collect their food for winter through the trees.

The deciduous trees have all lost there leaves, but there were lots of coniferous trees that still allowed a view. There was also less grass growing on the rocks. Behind the rocks there was still the understory but the little bits of grass that grow in-between the cracks in the rocks were less apparent.