Redstone Cliff Introduction

On a run one day, a group of us decided to take an adventure. After a walk down a muddy and overgrown trail we found ourselves at a clearing and a little climb up to a small cliff. I am unsure if the place I found has a name given by the locals, but I have decided to call it Redstone Cliff. The reasoning being, someone mentioned that the rocks were the same ones used to built Redstone and it is on a cliff.

Over the side of the cliff.

When I first saw this place I was mesmerized. I chose this place because it is such a unique spot in a place where you would not expect it. There is vegetation but there is also so much exposed rock. Right below the cliff is a some tree and a few homes and to access it you have to walk through a neighborhood. To get there we will start the directions with exiting Redstone and turning left down the hill on South Prospect Street towards the Country Club. Once you reach where it you can either go straight on a one way or turn, turn onto Ledge Road. Now looking for the trail may be a bit tricky, a bit after Edgewood Lane and across from Iranistan Road on the left is a trail. Walk a bit down the road and a clearing will appear.

The most seen vegetation

  • Sugar Maple
  • Eastern Hemlock
  • Weeds and Grass

My location is labeled on Google Map as Phenology.