November 1st 2019
I traveled to my sight today (11/1/2019) and was not surprised by what I observed. Last night on Halloween (10/31/2019) Burlington was swamped by a massive rain storm that causes flooding throughout the area. On the walk to my sight near the brook I could feel how saturated the ground was from the storm. Once to the brook I observed that the brook flooded over its banks last night. All the grass and shrubs in the riparian buffer of the brook where matted down from the water. In, addition the waters color was still a dark brown, and slightly high. Lots of woody material was clumped in the river from the high water.
The Flora around my location has changed quite a lot since my last visit. Most of the trees leafs have completely fallen off with the exception of a few Paper Birches. The grass has also lost all of its color and now is a light brown. The only green can be found on high side of the river bank, where a few ferns are located, and moss located on downed logs.
Below is a map of the area in Centennial Woods in which I am observing. Centennial Woods is very thick and hilly, therefore one doesn’t realize how close one section of the woods is to another.