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The place I chose to explore for my phenology assignment was Arthur Park located Opposite Burlington High School in Burlington VT. To get there, you look just beyond the bus stop on North Ave across from the sports fields for the entrance sign to the trail.

I chose this place because I heard it was a good place for pond skating in the winter, and I think it is interesting to see how pond ecosystems are effected by their surroundings.

When you enter the trail downhill towards the pond, you find Poison Ivy, Buckthorn, Red maple, Red Oak, Sugar Maple, Beech, Hemlock, Green Ash, and young Striped Maple trees. Once you reach the slimmer trail on the edge of the pond, you will find an abundance of ferns, nettle plants, buttercup, poison ivy, and other plants. In the pond there are many cattails. Growing near the rocks and boulders on the edge of the pond are many Northern White Cedar. There were many Norway Maple, Boxelder, Buckthorn, Sumac, and blueberry bushes. Growing on the trees in vines were wild cucumber plants, and other vines with leaves that looked like squash leaves which I was unable to identify.