
The Work of Loving the World

Hand Heart

“My work is loving the world.
Mary Oliver

How do we hold core life questions such as:

  • What is our work in the world?
  • How do we love?

We tend to focus on work as a way to pay the bills and value love in terms of who loves us.

May we turn our attention to a larger landscape: our work in the world as love in action.

What might you do today to express love and action?  Here are few examples for inspiration:

Love Letters to Strangers
Honk If You Love Someone
One Million Acts of Kindness
Break the Chain
Messenger by Mary Oliver

May your day be filled with acts of loving the world in small and unanticipated ways.


Networking Nights: A Student Perspective

“Our success has really been based on partnerships from the very beginning.”
-Bill Gates

Networking seated event with speaker

Networkers posing for picture

As a senior at UVM, I had finally approached the time where I had to start researching and applying for jobs. I had held various internships and other working positions, but now I had to start seriously thinking about entering the real world.  For the past 3 years, I received various emails and flyers about UVM’s Boston and New York Networking Events which were held over Winter Break. I had secretly avoided them in the past due to anxiety, and stress of networking with complete strangers. To prepare for this event, last semester I attended a workshop on networking, and gained more confidence in this skill. Once the event date arrived, I drove into Boston to start networking.

UVM alum, and CEO of British Beer Company, Mike Fallman, was the keynote speaker. He provided students and alumni with his version of “the most important interview tips,” where he stressed the significance of networking.  Both events paralleled the idea of speed dating. Students rotated between tables and conversed on various topics with alums. With a set amount of time and alternating among tables, networking was far less stressful than anticipated. Discussions were relaxed yet helpful, and alum talked about their career path, networking, and provided us with interviewing and job searching tips.

After the speed networking portion, we were able to individually meet alums who work in industries of our personal interest. The small room was completely packed with alumni and students networking, and exchanging contact information. Overall, the Boston Networking Event was a huge success. It was great to meet the keynote speaker, and hear from other UVM alums about their experience. This year more than 280 UVM alumni and current students gathered in Boston and New York to network, with more to come in Vermont and Washington D.C. I would highly recommend attending one of these Networking Events. I’ve certainly learned that it’s never too late to start networking.

~Tashia, Career Peer Advisor

After the Job Fair: Insights from an Employer

ECHO Center

Amanda Van Vranken
Volunteer/Intern Coordinator

Echo Lake Aquarium & Science Center

What type of applicant is ECHO looking for while at The Job Fair? When it’s over, what is your next step as an employer?

We are always looking for highly motivated individuals whose unique backgrounds and experiences will contribute to our diversity and strengthen our organization. Volunteers and interns bring experience, leadership skills, and enthusiasm to support our mission. After the Job Fair, we look through resumes and begin a conversation with applicants about what might be the best fit for their skills and interests. Since ECHO’s Internships are very competitive, we are often taking applications for the next semester or beyond.

What should students do to follow up with employers of interest?

I highly recommend students always follow up with ECHO. It’s an advantage to show your commitment to the organization, initiative, organizational skills and follow through by asking if an employer needs more information or what the timeline is for hiring. I always appreciate emails from students who are “Just checking in to say hi and say how much they are looking forward to this opportunity”.

How can a student stand out in the application process?

Anything you can do to set yourself apart is welcome.  Identify your skills and use them – If you have strong interpersonal skills, try to meet staff and volunteers. If you have strong writing skills, present a unique resume and cover letter. Draw on experiences or class work and explain why it has initiated growth and contributed to your skill set.  In addition, mention personal contacts or connections that make your reason for applying compelling.

What if a student wasn’t able to attend the Job Fair or didn’t connect with a particular employer?

Students can always go online to look at ECHO’s (or other organization’s) opportunities, as well as apply on-line or email with specific questions. When applying, be pro-active, know your schedule, and be realistic with your time commitments.

Volunteer or Intern at ECHO

The Job Fair: From the Other Side of the Table

Logic Supply display setup

Advice from Lauren Lavallee of Logic Supply, Inc.

Why is Logic Supply coming to the UVM Job Fair?

Logic Supply is attending the UVM Job Fair on March 20th 2013 to connect with students as they prepare to graduate and search for their dream jobs to make them aware of our job opportunities.  Logic Supply has experienced tremendous growth and has been an Inc. 5000 winner for 5 years running. Our success is the result of the high performing individuals that make up our company. We look forward to engaging with UVM students, to explore potential fit with out global growing company.

What should students do to prepare for the Fair?

Students should come to the event with specific objectives in mind. Consider what you’re looking for out of a job and what kind of career path you envision for your future.  Be ready to make an impression, dress appropriately and ask relevant questions to gain a clear understanding of companies and their specific roles.

What makes a student stand out at the Fair?

All companies attending a job fair know you are a student and that this may be your first outreach to a professional company. Don’t let that deter you from expressing your interest or asking tough questions. This career fair offers a unique opportunity to get the potential employer to match who you are as a person with how you present yourself on paper. Be memorable, talk to as many people as you can, engage with people, and use this as a networking event.

We’ll see you at the Job Fair Wed, March 20th 2-5pm 4th Floor Davis Center.

Read Career Services FAQ’s and Preparation and Tips before you go.

Learn more about Careers with Logic Supply

Savvy Seniors: Job Countdown!

Cindy Conquest

Cindy Conquest, ‘10
Bachelor of Arts in Biology (Neurobiology), Bachelor of Arts Spanish
Recruiter/ Managing Director with Readak Educational Services

Working in HR, you must see a lot of resumes every day. What helps a candidate stand out?

Sometimes with resumes, less is more. I see resumes that resemble a wordy mockup of an autobiography. Candidates should be able to fit their relevant qualifications on a single, well-structured page. My company often hires for entry-level positions, so we know our applicants will generally be young and have limited experience. I’m looking for quality of experience over quantity. The best resumes are clear and concise.   Keep in mind that relevant skills can come from a wide variety of experiences.

How do you suggest that students follow up on an application most effectively?

A short and sweet follow-up note is always good. Sometimes I am so swamped that I haven’t had a chance to review a particular application and a well-worded note from a candidate will draw my positive attention to that application. The follow-up is most effective right around a week after submittal. It is important to stay in touch with tact.

Once someone makes it to the interview stage, what can they do to seal the deal?

The age-old firm handshake test still rings true. Consistent eye contact shows self-confidence and honesty. Be well-poised and professional, yet amicable and approachable.  Your words and anecdotes should show what they can contribute to the company. Have some well-worded questions of your own that follow up on the research you’ve done. Finally, a thank you note is always well appreciated.

What are some frequent mistakes that you see applicants making?

Typos in resumes/cover letters show lack of attention to the application process. E-mails shouldn’t be written in the same colloquial language that students would use to write to their peers. A red flag in the interview process is when an applicant walks in the door with questions that can easily be answered from our website. Do your research and nicely demonstrate your knowledge.

Want to learn more?

Attend  Savvy Seniors Workshop: Job Countdown, Wed, March 13th, 4:15pm, L&L E-166 (With Special Guest Alison Keefe a Recruiter from Green Mountain Coffee Roasters!)

Attend Readak’s Information Session regarding positions as Traveling Teachers! Wed, March 13th, 6pm, L&L E-166

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