
Savvy Seniors: Top 5 Mistakes that College Seniors Make

Drawing a map

Welcome to your final year at UVM! Those who have gone before you have the wisdom of hindsight: knowing what they wish they had done differently.

Here are some mistakes that you can choose to avoid:

1) Waiting until March to think about what you want to do after graduation.
2) Not taking advantage of Winter Break for networking and informational interviews.
3) Not articulating your skills and strengths and just hoping that employers will magically see your potential.
4) Procrastinating on polishing your resume and sample cover letter until there’s a really good opportunity you want to apply for.
5) Not taking advantage of opportunities to continue to get career experience throughout your senior year, i.e. internships, campus leadership, volunteer etc.

Wondering how to avoid these mistakes and start your senior year off right?

Join us at Careers and Coffee, the kick-off event for a year-long career series especially for seniors! Because how you start your senior year will help determine how you finish it.

Careers and Coffee Thursday, Sept 19th, 3-6pm at the new Career + Experience Hub in the Davis Center Room 100!


The Hub is here for YOU!

Career + Experience Hub watermark

Have you ever encountered the issue of needing to have experience to get experience? New grads are sometimes surprised by job descriptions for entry-level positions that include a depth of experience and skills. Fortunately, UVM is committed to helping you prepare for life after college and a rewarding career.
This fall UVM is introducing a whole new concept in student services.  At the Career + Experience Hub, it’s easy for you to learn about and pursue a wide range of opportunities, including:

  • Internships
  • Research
  • Jobs
  • Study Abroad
  • Service-learning
  • Leadership
  • Fellowships
  • Volunteering

The Career Center and campus partners are working together to share knowledge and resources to make it easy for you gain the skills you need and have the experiences you want.

Whatever your interests and passions are, come to the Hub to get started on finding an unforgettable experience, just right for you and your goals!

The Hub opens Monday, September 9, 2013!
Davis Center, room 100, down the hall from Brennan’s

Monday-Thursday: 10:00 am-6:00 pm, Friday: 10:00 am-3:00 pm


Your 4-Year Plan for Career Success

Career Building Blocks

Wow, have we met some smart, curious and motivated students the last few days!  Many students have told us they want good jobs or grad programs after graduation, but weren’t sure how to start.  Well, here’s some good news.  UVM has created a roadmap: the 4-Year Plan for Career Success.

These 4 documents, one for each year of a traditional baccalaureate degree, will give you concrete steps to help in your career and professional development.  By working your Plan, you can:

  • Understand and build on your aptitudes and abilities,
  • Explore your career interests,
  • Make connections and build enduring relationships,
  • Get relevant experience,
  • Develop career goals and skills, and
  • Obtain a challenging and rewarding job or graduate or professional school admission.

Want to talk about it?  Starting Sept 9, you can stop by the new Career + Experience Hub in the Davis Center, room 100, Mondays-Thursdays: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm and Fridays: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm.

Watch next week’s blog for more information on the Hub!


World of Work: Ali Peterson ‘07, Shakespeare Theatre Company

Ali Peterson'Ali Peterson ‘07
Corporate Giving Manager
Shakespeare Theatre Company –
Washington, D.C.
Major: Zoology/Political Science
Graduate Program: Masters of Business Administration, The George Washington University

How would you describe what you do on a typical day?

A typical day is hard to come by in my line of work, we are constantly trying to stay ahead of the curve and be innovative in our approach to our work. On the most basic level I am a fundraiser. I work to research, develop and nurture relationships between our theatre company and corporations interested in partnering with us. My work requires me to keep a close eye on business press, stay on top of the needs of our partners and manage their benefits. I also help to plan major events and strategically advance our relationships with members of Congress.

What motivates you to go to work everyday?

The Shakespeare Theatre Company is a Tony award winning professional theatre company producing and presenting world-class performances of classical shows. The quality of the artistic work inspires me but I am more motivated by the way in which we are able to reach audiences. We go into every DC public school and teach kids how to embrace classical texts. We bring students into our theatre to interact with performers, designers and directors. We offer free performances every summer to people of all income levels and abilities. We do theatre for everyone, to challenge our audiences’ minds and lift their spirits.

What three words would describe your work environment?

Collaborative. Creative. Fun. 

Tell us about your path to this position.

I absolutely did not expect to have this job when I was an undergrad at UVM. After graduation I moved to DC to seek a job in Senator Patrick Leahy’s office. I secured a position as a scheduler in his personal office and did that for two years. I then worked on energy policy for over a year and finally, worked as a press secretary for nearly two years. All told, I spent five and a half years with the Senator and learned a great deal about what I want and don’t want for my career. I learned that I want to work at the intersection of arts and business and I found a way to do that by returning to school and working part-time at the Shakespeare Theatre Company on the side of my work in the Senate.

What advice do you have for students searching for jobs or internships in your field?

Great fundraisers are needed by organizations of all shapes and sizes, if you have an interest in fundraising work I suggest you read everything you can on current trends and practices, take informational interviews with people working in the field, and know the specific demands of the industry you are most interested in. Also, if possible gather some information or develop an understanding of the financial position of the company you are interested in working for.

Including Relevant Coursework on Your Resume

Futurama Fry Meme with Text- 'THIS IS RELEVANT TO MY INTERESTS'

Choosing the content for a resume can be difficult beside sections such as your name and contact information, “Education” and some form of “Relevant Experience”. A section to consider including is “Relevant Coursework” for the following reasons:

Listing rigorous classes under “Relevant Coursework” can exhibit traits such as “hardworking”, “determination, “strong work ethic” and many more that cannot be explicitly stated in a resume. Relevant Coursework describes the knowledge and extent of technical skills. Another use of this section includes filler; if you cannot quite fill up one full page for a resume, relevant coursework can help you get there.

Now, the mechanics of relevant coursework consist of formatting and placement/priority. There are two formatting options: list and bullet point. Choosing between the two is a matter of preference, but the bullet point format with two columns is usually preferred as it optimizes space and is easy to decipher. I would suggest listing between 4 to 8 relevant class titles, not course numbers since class numbers do not mean anything outside the University.

Placement or priority of a relevant coursework section should be taken seriously. The ideal location for Relevant Coursework is a separate section beneath Education or a subsection of Education, as it flows better between sections.

These are the most effective approaches for a Relevant Coursework section. I hope you feel prepared to incorporate your own Relevant Coursework section into your resume.

~Randall, Career Peer Advisor

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