In order to get to Centennial Brook, you enter the woods at the entrance and walk the trail until you reach the bridge over the brook. Then turning right to see the brook and the vegetation surrounding it. I chose this spot because the water flowing through the woods changes the common pattern of the dense woods created by overstory and creates its own pattern. The area is basically in the middle of the woods, yet the land surrounding the brook looks completely different from the rest of the woods and that’s what makes it interesting to me. I am also interested in seeing if the brook has any more effects when winter comes. Directly next to the bridge there are many invasive buckthorns growing all around it and the stream. As the stream continues it creates a sort of wetland where a type of tall grass grows but there are no trees as they cannot grow there. As the elevation of the land increases to the sides of the wetland area trees such as Eastern White Pines, Eastern Hemlocks, and many other coniferous and deciduous tree species.

