May 1st…7:30pm

My energy is definitely waning. I took a break to catch the end of the local news and to throw the ball to Lady a few times. It was good for both of us to get outside.
I think I’ll focus on cooking dinner for now.
Final touches tonight will probably involve re-reading the 4 pages I have written and setting up a plan of attack for tomorrow. I have some technical computer glitches to work out (not able to print from the laptop via the wireless…don’t know what’s going on there.) I’m tuning up my references in EndNote and I hope to be ready to write promptly in the morning.
My goal is to “finish” the 15 pages tomorrow and use Sunday for re-reads, edits, flow, etc.
Off to cook.

One Response to “May 1st…7:30pm”

  1. Michele says:

    What a treat to be let inside your process. I love watching people get projects done, especially word projects. I like to see how they go about it, how they motivate themselves, how they move though being stuck. (And it’s so much easier to passively observe. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that it is your project, not mine.)
    Get your sleep, get your Lady walks, talk to Dot. Remember the down time will be nearly as important as the sweating-in-front-of-the-computer-time.

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