4/27/19- April Showers

Today has been a cold and rainy day in Burlington. The creek in my phenology spot was higher than I’ve ever seen. I could hear the roaring waters before I even reached the area.

Some small plants have just begun peaking through the soil, yet it’s still too early for me to be able to identify them.

Most of the trees in my spot are conifers, so there are very little flowering trees to work with. The Norway Maple on my site is budding but has yet to flower. I searched the surrounding area hoping to catch a flowering tree, but unfortunately, no one has opened their buds yet! Hopefully, when I return before the end of the semester, my Norway Maple will have opened up its bud. Here is a sketch of the Norway Maple buds I discovered.

Lastly, here are the photos of what I uploaded to the NR2 Earth Week Blog!

Hopefully all of these April showers will bring May flowers just before I have to return home to Massachusetts. I’ll definitely miss exploring my site over the summer!