Category Archives: Uncategorized

A case study for teaching – Unintended Consequences of Plant Domestication on Plant-Insect Interactions

Glenna Malcolm at Penn State University and I have just published a case study for ecological thinking from my previous work on sunflower domestication and tritrophic interaction. The study can be found at NSF’s National Center for Case Study Teaching … Continue reading

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Field season is on!

With the beginning of summer last week came the onset of our season of field trials. Graduate student Elisabeth Hodgdon is spending the summer at the University of Guelph in Guelph, Ontario working with our Canadian collaborator Rebecca Hallett testing a … Continue reading

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Congratulations to Dr. Victor Izzo!

Vic is joining Plant and Soil Science at UVM as a Full-time Lecturer! The department is very lucky to have some who is has such a passion for teaching and student mentoring. I am very pleased that we have been … Continue reading

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The swede midge problem intensifies – and we need your help!

Swede midge is an insect pest that has recently caused up to 100% losses of organic broccoli in New York and Vermont. The midge is an invasive pest that also attacks a wide range of other crops in the Brassicaceae … Continue reading

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Crop domestication, global human-mediated migration, and the unresolved role of geography in pest control

One of the major assumptions of sustainable agriculture is that studying the ecology of insect pests in agroecosystems should lead to improved ecologically-based pest management. In the majority of studies, the geographic origin of the plants and insects are rarely … Continue reading

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