Category Archives: Uncategorized

Congratulations to Jedeliza Ferrater!

Jedeliza Ferrater (Wagenigen and IRRI) just published her first paper in Arthropod-Plant Interactions! The Brown Planthopper has been the focus of innumerable research projects focused on rice resistance and planthopper “adaptation”. Jedi’s article nicely provides an overview as why this … Continue reading

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Plants can help Colorado potato beetle tell the season.

Vic found that if the potato plant is grown under short-day photoperiods it may produce changes in the plant, which causes Colorado potato beetles to diapause. This paper is now available online at the link below. If you would like … Continue reading

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Congratulations to Hannah Eiseman!

Hannah just won a Mini-Grant from the Office of Undergraduate Research!

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Insect Agroecology lab in the news

Vermont Agriculture Groups Receive Nearly $190,000 to Benefit Specialty Crop Farmers Our swede midge research and Rachel’s spotted wing drosophila work landed us a decent chunk of change. ยท University of Vermont to increase the profitability of Brassica farmers by … Continue reading

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Congratulations to Victor Izzo!

Congratulations Dr. Victor Izzo! Vic successfully defended his Ph. d. thesis yesterday. Look for his first chapter to come out soon in Ecological Entomology.

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