Category Archives: Uncategorized

Increasingly, everyone is eating the same foods around the world.

Here is a really interesting interactive site that shows how people around the world are increasingly eating the same foods. Hence, the homogenization of the world’s food supply allows insect pests of crops to achieve far broader distributions than previously … Continue reading

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A Feature in the Burlington Free Press

Thanks to Joel Baird of the Burlington Free Press for the article covering our work on swede midge!  

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A visit to Wagenigen University

I am very excited to visit Wagenigen University in the Netherlands to give a talk and a Master class. Thanks Jeltje Stam!

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Seeking a postdoc in population genomics

Post-doctoral Position on the Population Genomics of a rapidly evolving agricultural pest “Do Hyper-Diverse Genomes Run The Pesticide Treadmill: Resequencing Colorado Potato Beetle Genomes To Understand Rapid Pest Evolution”, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Department of Entomology A postdoctoral position will … Continue reading

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Swede midge issue on tv


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